Insight #9: On Death

What awaits us after we take our last breath?

Hello again and welcome to Insight #9; On death.

  • There is a common misconception about death, it scares many people from it and it’s quite unfounded. The myth is that once we die we go to a nothingness or darkness forever. This is just simply not the case, there can never be nothing, no action, no experience.

  • Think about it. do you remember the “eternal nothingness” that should have taken place before your birth? No. What do people experience when having close death encounters? depends on who you ask, but 99% of the time they see good, calming, nice things, not emptyness. Even when we sleep we always dream, even if we dont really remember it.

  • Every single spiritual tradition has some kind of heaven or afterlife. Are they all wrong? I find it hard to believe. However you might not, because you are quite likely a scientific oriented thinker, and if so the ideas of reincarnation or heaven might sound outlandish. But I would really like for you to think if eternal nothingness is truly the answer.

  • The only thing that supports that idea is your materialistic paradigm. Which is flawed and skewed, however much you like to deny it. Science is not, and never will be, the end all be all. And death is one of the greatest ways to see why, science will never truly understand it, because to understand it scientifically it would have to be studied, analized, but how do you do that on a subjective, personal experience?

  • It is just not possible, at least not in the way that science is done today. So I would recommend to keep an open mind on the death subject. In truth only you can know what it is and experience it. That is the guaranteed gift that life has given us all. It’s end.

Until next time, See ya.