Insight #7:On Follow-through

A key on how to stop throwing the towel...

Hello everyone and welcome to Insight #7: On follow-through.

  • As humans we are naturally curious, we like exploring new activities and hobbies, but often we find ourselves lacking the “discipline” or “willpower” to finish or at least dedicate a fair amount of time to the things we start. This I find is especially true on things that we start on our own and that only we depend on doing.

  • Because of this I have a very simple insight for you today, and that is the amazing utility of teachers, and in general, other people for follow-through. You have probably heard of this before, but instead of rolling your eyes just yet, hear me out. Out of all the hobbies you have tried doing, how many have you had an actual teacher or instructor guiding you? or even just a friend or family member?

  • The thing is, we are social creatures, and as such, we don’t like when others look down on us, or when we let others down. This is why having someone to help out is so incredibly useful, let alone the knowledge and guidance they can give, simply the commitment they inspire in us is already enough to take our activities to the next level.

  • Now you might be thinking, “okay, I know, but I don’t have time, or I don’t have money, or I don’t know any good teachers”. I want to challenge these excuses, because that is what they are.

  • Not enough time? Fix your schedule. We always have time in our days that we don’t actually use, we just kill with our phones or other distractions. This doesn’t mean that you become an absolute machine without free time, but even dedicating just half an hour with a mentor or friend to that thing that YOU want to get better at, will be more than enough. Remember, when it comes to hobbies, quality time and practice is better than quantity.

  • No money? No problem, now with the help of technology you can find very cheap teachers, that can even go to your house to teach. If that isn’t an option, then a friend or family member can help out, even if they know nothing about the subject. The value is in how they help us to “show up”. You can also look online for communities that will gladly help you, even for free.

  • Don’t know of a good teacher? Ask around, go online, look for communities. He who looks, finds.

  • As you can see, most times and for most people, finding someone to help out with their pursuits, be it a teacher, friend or even online stranger, is easier than ever. If you have been failing to achieve goals on the hobby department I suggest you find someone, and if you do I guarantee you will improve at least some aspect of that activity. Also if possible I would advise to go for physical one-on-one teaching or socializing over online stuff. Online simply does not have the same level of commitment as actually meeting at a set time and place.

Thank you for reading, until next time!