Insight #3 - Hidden fears

Fear controls you more than you think...

Welcome to today's insight, On fear:

-fear exists as a mechanism to continue survival

-fear together with pain create the basis of a big part of human behaviour

-the system isn't perfect however, there are issues like baseless fears or hidden ones

- I would like to bring attention to hidden fears, their impact is often very far reaching and it can become incredibly difficult to understand that it's the root of many symptoms

-for example one can have a fear of socializing, but symptomatically it might not arise as feat in the moment, it could manifest as avoidance, and when the mind looks for an answer it can simply create one, even if it is completely wrong.

-to continue the example fear of socializing can become avoidance, hermitism that then becomes hatred, hatred of others or some type of people, the mind is very sophisticated in it's rationalizations, and the worst part is that those unfounded reasons can become "reality", in the sense that eventually hatred will come to exist even if it wasn't there or even if the opposite was the case.

- At that point it can become near impossible to understand the symptoms and the whole disease.

- The good part about this all is that often it can be understood, but we need to know the above insights to be able to get anywhere.

- With this I'll leave you with a task, try to think about some behavior you can't understand, maybe a resistance to something, or an avoidance, and ask yourself why it is that you avoid, what is behind the behavior. Perhaps there is a hidden fear that has festered into a massive ball of rationalizations. Try to get to a simple answer, it should resonate when you find it.