Insight #28: The value of open space and big scenery

Size might matter on this one...

Insight #28: The value of open space and big scenery

Hello and welcome back to the book of insights! Today we have a short and sweet insight on bigness.

  • We are physical creatures, last I checked. This means that we are wired to operate in the physical world, outside, nature, reality. However we increasingly spend our time inside tinier rooms, staring at tiny screens, thinking tiny thoughts.

  • When described like this, the damage may seem apparent, however it goes deeper than just “screw technology!”. It goes way down into the workings of our head.

  • Our brains were crafted through evolution, most likely. This means that whatever made a being successful in surviving until reproduction was passed on, and what didn't usually didn't. There is one problem though, large scale changes are more of a gamble, so evolution takes its time. It can take thousands of years for even minor changes to become apparent.

  • This leads to the problem of today, massively rapid change. Change isn't bad in itself, but the pace we are going at is problematic. Evolution has not had practically any time to go from hunting gathered humans to your 9-5 finance Bro.

  • From the gigantic ramifications this has, I want to highlight an often forgotten one, the value of physical space.

  • If you have ever gone out hiking you can understand this phenomenon. Looking out to nature from a tall vantage point, like q mountain, feels amazing. Apart from the pleasure of the exercise and the pretty scenery, I believe there is something else at play.

  • Most people understand the world through comparison, most of it unconscious. Big spaces make our thoughts, problems and lives seem small. Something about just looking off into the distance changes our consciousness, quiets the noise.

  • In contrast, being constantly indoors in our rooms, cubicles, hallways and screens loudens our inner voices. Slowly, our problems become insurmountable, our day to day heavy, as if we were moving through sludge. And being covered in sludge is uncomfortable, even if you are lying in your bed. Even relaxation seems impossible.

That's it for today's insight. Do yourself a favour and go out to a big space, and just be for a while.

Until next time!