Insight #2: The void

Maybe the void isnt really empty after all?

Welcome to today’s insights, #2. THE VOID

  • The void is extremely important to all of us, even if it doesn’t seem that way.

  • We usually think of the void or nothingness as the lack of stuff, emptyness. But I would like to challenge that idea, taking some concepts from science:

“In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model that fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum.”

  • What we normally concieve of as space actually has qualities, which for something to have qualities it has to exist, it has to “be”.

  • For this reason I believe true nothingness to not really exist, at least not in a way for us to possibly recognize it. Nothingness always exists as a contrast, as the lack OF something, like shadows. Therefore without having something TO contrast, nothingness appears to me to be impossible.

  • The value of nothingness is also taken for granted, we need an empty page to create art, we need empty areas in our homes to create decoration and add furniture, without the “empty” space creation becomes impossible.

  • Therefore it appears to me that “nothingness” or the void have always existed, even before scientific theories of creation like the big bang, though never truly empty, always with characteristics and even behaviours (time).

  • Science also has theories about the shape of space, which I believe it does have, and it can change, if you take spacetime for example, when things like stars or planets exist the space around them “bends”, creating interesting effects.

  • I would also like to draw a paralel between two observations, one: that space is expanding, and two, that ignorance is also expanding. There is a sort of saying or thought experiment that discoveries, or human knowledge is like a light in the dark, the dark is always bigger than the light, therefore it must be expanding, exactly like the universe appears to be.

  • I believe this to be no accident, this is the way it should be in order for creation to have a space and time to take place.

  • Due to this, I believe the void to be the precursor to life, and also the reason why things die and never last, because the purpose of the universe is for all forms and possibilities to arrise and take shape, time and space, the only way that can be if they aren’t limitless, or undying, no matter how long it takes; even black holes seize to exist.

This is one of my favourite current topics, and there are many many implications and ramifications to these insights. Don’t let them go, keep your mind jogging :)

Until next time, have a great day!