Insight #18: On perspective

Your reality is not the same as mine...

Hello everyone and welcome to Insight #18; On perspective.

  • The current scientific-materialistic paradigm has taught us from a young age that reality is physical, that it exists and everything has a cause and a consequence. Under this worldview we could imagine a “perfect” world if only everyone saw everything as it is, objectively, “truthfully”.

  • However I would like to challenge this central idea of the paradigm. I believe it is not only more useful, but also more accurate and true to say that each individual has and experiences their own reality, different from ourselves and others.

  • This might seem far-fetched. But, think back to someone who you thought in the moment: “this guy is straight up crazy!” It seems people have wildly different ideas and agreement seems ever more unlikely regarding pretty much anything. This isn't an accident. This is because perspective is all there is. A true objective reality might as well not exist for humans. If it really does or not is beyond the scope of this insight.

  • Once we start to see that everyone is literally living on their own worlds, we can begin to be more empathetic, more patient, more caring. After all their point of view can be absolutely true for them but not for you, and that isn't a bug with reality. It's the way it should be.

  • More importantly than realizing other's universes, is realizing our own. Your own self operates on your own reality, and that reality contains certain characteristics and limitations that others do not, and only you can ever truly understand your own world.

  • Before I finish I would like to tempt your mind to break. Any limit that exists within your reality was placed there by YOU, somewhere along the way. Yep, if you can't walk through a wall that is because you willed it that way, as impossible as that may seem.

Until next time, see you around!