Insight #15: Gratitude

A key to enjoying what we've got...

Hello again and welcome to Insight #15: On gratitude.

  • People tend to get bored. We all have a natural instinct for novelty, exploration, curiosity. These usually positive impulses have a side effect of getting bored with the things we have, getting tired of our usual relationships, and always wanting more. Society today basically functions on this idea.

  • However, there is a way to escape this cycle, and that is gratitude. Now you may have heard of this before, that we should be thankful for the things we have, but often we feel like we deserve more. Or that writing down your gratitude for something is well, rather useless.

  • But, this has actually been scientifically studied. Gratitude has a lot of positive mental effects, increasing a lot of our markers for wellbeing (especially psychologically). So today I will share just how easy it can be, and you can see for yourself the impact it can have.

  • This practice need not be long. It can either be done mentally or in a piece of paper or journal. You can begin by asking yourself questions like:

What am I thankful for today?

What is something that I recently achieved?

What do I appreciate having in my life?

  • There are no wrong answers here. Whatever feels natural, no matter how small it may seem, is good enough. Take a few minutes to answer your questions and, once you are clear enough on your answers, you've finished. That's it.

  • You don't need to share your thoughts, nor act or do anything else. This tiny practice, which can even be done mentally, has been proven to improve our life satisfaction.

That's it for today's insight. Have you answered the questions? :)