Insight #13: On clarity

They key for filtering the mud from the water...

Hello everyone and welcome to Insight #13: On clarity.

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you are on high spirits today!

Onto the Insight:

  • Clarity is somewhat of an elusive quality. It is easy to tell when someone has a crystal clear vision regarding a situation or even their whole life, but often we find ourselves confused as to what it is and how to get it. If anything it is easy to see, like a glass, but hard to define or know it exists.

  • Today I want to share with you a powerful key to achieving clarity. The thing is, things aren't clear nor muddy intrinsically. Instead the issue lies within us, the way we interpret, the way we see.

  • Take that in for a moment. The problem of clarity is you, yourself. It comes from a deep understanding of the subject at hand, and way more importantly, an understanding of oneself. Perfect clarity is achieved when we have a perfect understanding and experience of ourselves in relation to the thing being looked at.

  • I will give you a very simple example: Look at your hand. It is yours, you know what it is, you know what it can do. There is “perfect” clarity in your mind regarding it. No questions, no issues. This doesn't just come from your knowledge of your hand, but also from knowledge of yourself as a whole. Your hand is part of you, so in this sense it is very easy and intuitive to get clarity.

  • However you likely don't need clarity for such things. We want to clearly know deep, complex things. And of course achieving clear sight and understanding of these is much tougher. But remember the key; self knowledge. If you know yourself, what you like, what repels you, what you are feeling, etc, you can place yourself in any situation or problem and map the relationships that exist between you and the environment, including others.

  • This is why self knowledge is so critical. Without it clarity is pretty much impossible. The most important part of that knowledge is understanding how your mind works. Especially your biases, which you have, like it or not. People aren't machines. And even then, every sensor is limited. A camera cannot capture oxygen levels, and a thermometer can't record a video.

  • The last part necessary to achieving clarity is interconnection, or the map. Once you have the understanding of both you and the thing, the final part is uncovering the links between the two. Of course perfect clarity is not what you should shoot for, however. You should also be able to deal with some unknowns. Not everything in life is knowable, especially when time restricted.

I mean, do you really know absolutely everything your hands can do? What's inside them, how they work?

Until next time, have a great day and don't eat too much candy! :)