Insight #11: Acceptance vs Change

A formula for all our problems...

Hello again, welcome to Insight #11: Acceptance vs Change.

Before we get into it I want to thank everyone for joining me in this journey through my Insights. I hope you are getting good value out of them. Now then, to the subject at hand;

  • People have very different issues. Like a wise man once noted, humans are very similar in the things that make them happy. A good relationship, success in our pursuits, meaningful experiences. However, as for the negative feelings and situations, you might as well be the first person ever to encounter your unique problem.

  • But you need not worry, for today I have a mental framework that you can apply to any personal problem you might encounter. If you are dealing with an issue that encompasses other people then it might lie beyond the scope of this framework.

  • Either way, here it is: Whatever your problem is, you can either accept it as part of who you are, part of how the world is, or you can do something to change it.

  • This may sound very obvious, but things really can be that simple. Let's look at an example:

  • “I'm fat and I don't like my appearance.” Well, first I recommend seeing a doctor and actually getting an evaluation. Your perspective could be skewed, like for people with eating disorders. However, if not, you can then either: Accept yourself as you are, and work on even loving that side of yourself, or, start implementing changes like regularly exercising, eating more healthily, etc.

  • Some people might argue one option is better than the other, but in the end it is your decision, and yours alone. Others can help bring perspective, and shouldn't be ignored, but in the end it is up to you to choose based on the information you have.

  • A few notes: This framework doesn't guarantee you'll make the right decisions, nothing really can. And ln fact, you honestly shouldn't try shooting for perfection. Mistakes are part of life, and no decision you take is final. You are allowed to change your mind.

  • You also don't have to do one or the other. There are situations, like the one above, where you could, for example; accept that you where born some sort of way, and still take action to improve what you actually can.

  • So if you have been struggling with something for a while I recommend applying this concept and checking if maybe you need either more acceptance and love, change and action, or all of the above. I can say however that doing nothing is very rarely the answer.

Until next time, see ya.