Insight #10: Just write it down!

You have to catch your insights in the moment...

Hello everyone, today I have a simple one for you, welcome to Insight #10: Just write it down!

  • Ideas are fleeting. Our brain functions in a way such that when a thought arises, it leaves just as quickly, or it connects with something related.

  • This is both by design and by accident, I believe technology is in part responsible for making our attention so short, and our ideas so all over the place. However I do believe that the brain isn't supposed to sit still with a single thought either.

  • Either way, I believe a good solution to this issue, at least one that isn't as hard to implement as changing one's thought patterns, is to just write or somehow preserve the Insights we get as they come.

  • I know, you might have heard of this before. But have you actually done it? I believe technology can actually help in this matter, your phone is always with you and you can always get an app to write down stuff on.

  • Others prefer the classic notepad, or little notebook, but I find it rather cumbersome. However it is true that physically writing helps with remembering what was written, so I'd suggest you start there and only change to a techy way if the written format doesn't work for you.

  • Before we end today's insight there's one more thing I'd like to mention, ideas often seem decent or even weird when they can be refined into a world changing level. What I mean is that you should note whatever idea you come up with, however small, however dumb it may appear at first. The true impact of them is often revealed further down the line.

Thank you for reading, have a great weekend!