Welcome to the Book of Insights!

The journey begins...

Before we do begin, I would like to say thank you! This project is designed to allow me to share the insights I’ve accumulated over the years with the world. The primary goal of the Book of Insights is to share interesting ideas, thoughts and pieces of wisdom that I have either found myself or from outside sources, most times being a combination of the two. I hope the content found here can be of interest and help in your life.

With that being said, I have some recommendations for how to read and actually use the content in this “book”, and also some notes on the content and structure of the insights. For starters, we should begin with what an Insight even is. From various dictionaries, Insight means;

“(The ability to have) A clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation.”

Cambridge Dictionary

1.- The power or act of seeing into a situation;

2.- The act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively.


The above definitions get us near where I want to arrive. I’d like to add that Insights, at least the ones I’ll be sharing here, aren’t necessarily about situations, but most often are about general concepts, ideas or themes about life, the way we think and act, and even deep into the nature of Truth and Reality. However, this doesn’t mean that everyday things won´t be covered, really I would simply like to note that the content of and within the insights will be extremely varied, and sometimes they might not apply to your certain characteristics and situations.

This leads me to the second note which is about you, the reader. You see, insights are deeply personal and contextual. The things I discover for myself may not apply to you, they might even be harmful if taken to heart without discretion. This is why my ultimate goal for you, is to guide you and give you a starting point regarding whatever the insight contains, using it as a foundation for your own contemplation and ultimate adaptation. Of course if something resonates, and you find it applies to you, you can then incorporate it into your psyche. However this process of taking the insight and making it yours is the most important and I believe it is the most sure-fire way of getting value out of the Book of Insights, and it should not be overlooked.

Regarding the timing of publication of the Insights, I will make the effort to provide your mind with new ideas daily, However this might prove to be difficult since Insights are hard to come by and can take months to refine. In the end I will prioritize quality over quantity. Please know that I’ll be working as much as possible with providing them to you as constantly as possible.

Regarding their structure, Insights are regularly short and hard-hitting. One or two sentences is usually enough to cover them, though the explanation and understanding of them could take many pages. Depending on the reception and feedback I recieve, I might add some or most of my own explanation regarding each insight. For now I believe that the main Insight plus some context should be enough for most readers, especially if the end goal is for you to adapt it to your own life.

Once again, Thank you for reading and taking the time to contemplate my insights. May wisdom and understanding grow in all of us.